Cravings are habits we develop over time, and they’re important to understand. By recognising what your cravings mean, you can break the cycle and gain control.
Constantly craving chocolate? Don’t worry – you’re not alone! Chocolate is the most commonly craved food, especially for women. But why?
Cravings = Nutrient deficiencies?
It’s a common myth that cravings are your body’s way of indicating you lack certain nutrients. In fact, if you look up “why do I crave chocolate” online, you’ll find countless sources suggesting that a craving for chocolate means you’re low on magnesium.
However, this is largely a myth. There’s zero substantial evidence to back up the claim that chocolate cravings, or any cravings for that matter, are directly linked to nutritional deficiencies. If only it was that easy to cure our chocolate obsession with a magnesium supplement. We’d all be doing it!
So if it’s not about what your body needs physically, what’s it about?
The power of forbidden fruit
Cravings often have more to do with psychology than our nutritional needs. When we label certain foods as “forbidden” or “bad,” they ironically become more desirable. It’s like telling someone not to think of a pink elephant. Suddenly, it’s all they can think about.
Our brains are hardwired to favour sweetness, triggering a chemical response that makes us crave certain foods. Chocolate interacts with neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin, which influence mood and desire. So, when we eat it, our brain releases serotonin, “feel-good” chemicals to the brain. In other words, we crave it because of how it impacts our brain chemicals. It makes us feel better. Particularly if we are stressed or tired in the afternoon and after dinner at night.

Reason 12578 why diets suck
When we restrict ourselves from enjoying foods we love, our body may actually ramp up our desire for them. This is why diets that focus heavily on restriction so often backfire.
Imagine a world where you could enjoy chocolate guilt-free whenever you felt like it. Over time, without seeing chocolate as something ‘off-limits’, you might find that your strong cravings slowly disappear. This allows you to enjoy chocolate as a regular treat without it feeling like a forbidden temptation you can never resist.
The not-so-secret solution to your cravings
What if… instead of cutting out your favourite foods (like chocolate), you adopted a balanced approach to eating?
Allowing yourself to have no food off-limits can actually diminish its overwhelming temptation. This isn’t about going overboard, but rather finding that sweet spot where you can eat chocolate without any guilt.
Sometimes, we might think we’re craving something sweet, but really, it’s our body trying to send us clues. The craving might not be about the food itself, but what it represents.
So next time you find yourself craving some chocolate, take a moment to reflect on what you’re really seeking. Are you hungry, stressed, or maybe just in need of a bit of comfort?
Understanding the true root of your cravings allows you to enjoy all food as part of balanced, guilt-free diet.

Want more practical tips? Click here to watch my YouTube video on the top 7 strategies to help you stop out-of-control snacking.